
Responsible for the content

Gildestr. 15
48317 Drensteinfurt

Represented by:
CEO Thomas Oliver Vohl
CEO Tim Brüggemann
Phone: 02508-99378-0
Fax: 02508-99378-10

HRB 6421 Amtsgericht Münster
Ust.ID: DE813506059


Privacy Protection

Protecting the security and privacy of your personal information is very important for us. It is self-understanding that we process all received data in compliance with laws on privacy, data protection and data security.
When you access our website, our servers collect automatically information about the domain name of your web-site, the website, from which you are acting, our websites you are visiting as well as date and duration of your visit.
We only may use this information for internal not personally identifiable statistic purposes. In case you should be asked for personal information, we shall inform you simultaneously about about the use of these data and you will be - if necessary - asked for your consent. 


All information, pics and other publications on this website - as long as not otherweise marked - are subject to the copyright of LANCIER CABLE GmbH.
Copies, publishing, storage, transmission of and reproduction of these information are not allowed without prior written consent of LANCIER CABLE GmbH. 

Liability waiver

All information on this website is permanently checked and renewed. In spite of this permanent revision data may have meanwhile been changed.
LANCIER CABLE GmbH does not accept any liability for all informations therein. LANCIER CABLE GmbH even reserves the right of changes of any information of this website without any prior announcement including improvements and changes of the products shown at its websites.


Our websites contain links to other websites. LANCIER CABLE GmbH is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other websites. 

  May 2017